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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Do’s and Don'ts of Reading Books with Children

Reading books is important because it helps to expand the mind and develop imagination. In today’s society, reading ability is one of the vital skills in being able to function well. So, it is undeniable that a child’s reading skills are important for their success in school, at work and in life. That is why reading books with children at a very early age ensures their success.

In this post, I’ll be discussing about the do’s and don’ts of reading books with children.

List of Do’s While Reading Books with Your Child 
  • Start reading books to children as soon as possible.
  • Before you start reading a book, always say the name of the book, introduce the author and illustrator, no matter how many times you have to read the book.
  • Read and re-read books which are predictable and contain repetition.
  • Choose Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes and songs which stimulate language and listening.
  • Set a time every day aside for book reading.
  • To encourage children’s involvement in book reading, have them turn the pages for you.
  • Use plenty of expressions while reading books, it helps to build imagination for your children.
  • Keep them involved as you read books by occasionally asking them about what they think is going to happen next?
  • Lead your child by example. Let them see you reading and they will soon start to copy us.
  • Regulate the amount of time spent watching television and using smartphones.
  • Read books to your child, like you mean it. Change your pitch and volume to show different characters or create a mood.
  • Reluctant readers often find it difficult to sit still, so try giving a pencil and paper to your children during the read-aloud experience to keep their hands busy.
  • Occasionally read books that are above your children’s intellectual levels. This is a great way to challenge their minds and expose them to new experiences.
  • Incorporate the following six simple and powerful early literacy practices into your everyday activities so that it helps your child to learn early literacy skills: 

    • Reading: Reading books together is the most effective way that helps children to become proficient readers. Your child’s interest in reading is a significant predictor of later reading achievement.
    • Talking: Talking, telling stories and stretching conversations with children help them to learn new information, vocabulary and other early literary skills.
    • Counting: This is a great way to teach your child to reason logically, solve the problems and make connections between mathematics and everyday life.
    • Singing: It develops listening skills in children and help them to pay attention to the rhythm and rhyme. Singing helps children to learn new words, it adds to their general knowledge and is plain fun!
    • Writing: We already know that writing and reading go together. Both reading and writing are ways to represent spoken words and to communicate information.
    • Playing: It is one of the primary ways young children learn about how the world works and learn language. It helps children understand that written words stand for real objects and experiences.
List of Don'ts While Reading Books with Your Child 
  • Don’t be fooled by awards. An award-winning book may not necessarily be a good read-aloud for your children. 
  • Don’t read stories that you yourself don’t like as your dislike will show off. 
  • Don’t get too comfortable while reading books to your children. A slouching or reclining position is the most apt way to bring on drowsiness. With less blood being pumped, less oxygen reaches the brain which causes drowsiness. 
  • Never use the book as a threat such as “If you don’t clean your room then no story for you tonight!”. This will foster a negative attitude about book reading on your children. So, refrain from making the book reading experience a negative one for your children. 
  • Don’t be unnerved by questions from very young children during the book reading session. Answer the question patiently if they pop up not for the purpose of distracting or postponing your bedtime. Though there is no time limit for reading a book however, understand that there is a time limit on a child’s inquisitiveness for it. So, foster your children’s curiosity with patient answers and then resume your reading. 
  • Don’t stop reading aloud to your children once they start reading by themselves, because reading and listening skills don’t begin to converge until about 8th grade. 
Now that we know about the do’s and don’ts of book reading with children, you can start with this activity to develop this skill at an early age. If you are still not convinced why you should start reading to your children then stay tuned to know the Significance of Reading Books to Your Children in my upcoming posts.
Let me know your thoughts on reading books with children in the comments below

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