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Monday, October 15, 2018

E-book Vs. Hardcover Vs. Paperback: What Do You Prefer?

Some of you may love to smell of the musty pages of a classic hardcover, fresh ink of a new paperback, the bumpy texture of a book jacket or run your finger along the crease in the spine to get a sense of nostalgia triggered by holding a book in your hands. However, avid readers can find it a bit traitorous to switch to a Kindle or other electronic reading device when faced with the collection of hardcover and paperback books lining the shelves of your living room.

E-book or Hardcover or Paperback: What do you prefer? This has been one of the trending topics among readers across the world except when you are willing to try all three versions. Yeah, why not try all and not debate on it instead let this topic rest at peace. 

In this post, I’m going to discuss about the differences between E-book, Hardcover and Paperback and hope it will help you to choose your books according to your needs. 

E-book is a lighter load compared to the traditional books- be it a hardcover or a paperback. If you are one of those people who walks out of the library or bookstore with book piles up to your chin, then Kindle is a whole lot easier to carry than to haul your books with you to the beach or coffee shop. Also, you won’t regret leaving one of your books at home because it was too thick, heavy or oversized to carry with you. 

With eBook, you will never lose your place while reading a book on Kindle because no bookmarks are needed. Moreover, you can read what you want, where you want without being judged. Kindle is discreet and even has privacy settings to keep nosy family members out. You need not hide the book jacket out of embarrassment or to a controversial argument. eBooks make is easy to make your book choices on what you actually want to read instead of what you think others expect you to treat. So, break out the Superman or Spiderman comic books, without being ashamed.  

The best part of preferring eBooks over the traditional books is the built-in dictionary and the font size. When reading a traditional book, I’m often lazy to get up and find the dictionary to look up a word I don’t know. But with a Kindle, it is easy to look up the words right on your device. You can increase the font size to make it easier to read without needing to look for a large print edition or make the font size smaller to fit more words on a single page. 


It is a book bound with thick protective cover with usually a paper or leather dust jacket over the main cover. The aim of the hardcover is protection and durability. These types of books are mainly for long-term use and collector’s editions. They last far longer than the paperbacks and do not get damaged easily which makes them perfect for great literary works, reference guides, etc.  

Additionally, the hardcover books have long-lasting acid-free type paper having a pH value of 7 (neutral) that makes it highly durable. Also, these papers are stitched and glued to the spine of the book. Hardcovers are prepared for commercial works, reference books, best sellers, etc. that should be long lasting. If the market value of the book in question is quite high, then publishers will print out the hardcover first before paperbacks, as it is more profitable for them as well as for the readers wanting the book to last long with no damage.

It is prepared for non-commercial works and those books which don’t get much exposure. These books have covers made of thinner paper or cardboard with glue to stick to the leaves. As the cost of production for paperback is low, so they are produced in mass and usually released after the hardcover edition is published. Often, the paperback is meant for short term reads such as for people boarding planes, trains, etc.  

There is another type of paperback edition known as trade paperback which is created with more durable paper than the mass market paperbacks.  

The best-selling writers will often have their hard cover editions released first because it is an indication that their fans will collect the book. Whereas, most new writers will start off publishing their book as a paperback.  


It is worth nothing for both hardcover and paperbacks you need no battery to recharge your Kindle as when you are traveling or reading away from home. Also, it is easy to borrow or give your book as a gift unlike with an e-book. Last but not the least, books are quite affordable compared to a Kindle device. Also, you don’t have to worry much about dropping the book in the bathtub or spilling coffee on the pages as with an electronic device. Except in case of rare editions and other exceptions, books are cheaper to replace than a Kindle.  

Whereas, Kindle saves paper and eBooks are forever treasure that will neither be old nor get torn as with traditional books.  To all the naysayers who insist you must hold a book, turn its smooth pages and smell that clean, new paper smell, I understand you with all my heart. Why not use Kindle for travel, and read books at home. 

Whatever you choose from among these three different mediums the most important thing is reading well because “Reading is to the mind what is exercise to the body.”  

Happy reading!

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